However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Ephesians 5:33 If I were to claim to be an expert on marriage, someone would be quick to put me in my place—and rightly so. After all, I have a failed marriage in my past. The same is true …
A Sojourner’s Solace Release Day Two: Lessons for Living Well
Listen my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Proverbs 1:8 Today’s post is a video interview with my husband Chris. He’s going to share about the lessons he and his siblings were taught in childhood that set all of them up for a life well lived. Don’t forget to enter for another chance to …
A Sojourner’s Solace Release Day One: Fussing & Fighting
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:12 Today, my Bedford County novella A Sojourner’s Solace is being released. Because family is a strong theme of this story, I thought a week-long series on the subject through devotionals and videos would be appropriate. Each day, you can enter for a chance to win …
Feature Author Susan K. Beatty
Last September, I interviewed Susan Beatty as my first author feature. I’m thrilled to welcome her back today. New year, new release. I hope you enjoy learning about what she’s been up to as much as I did. And be sure to enter for a chance to win a paperback copy of her book The Fragrance of Violets. Welcome back …
Dividing Lines-Dividing Lives
How long, O God, will You allow our enemies to insult You? Will you let them dishonor Your name forever? Why do You hold back Your strong right hand? Unleash Your powerful fist and destroy them. Psalm 74:10-11 Unless you’ve been on a deserted island with no link to the outside world, you can’t miss the upheaval that’s been going …
Review of Pride, Prejudice and Cheese Grits
Pride, Prejudice, and Cheese Grits by Mary Jane Hathaway was recommended to me as a good southern fiction novel. As with most books, I perused the reviews before committing to reading it. I know reviews are clearly subjective, so I try to take that into account, but they still give me a sense the story line. I also know that …
Little Sins
I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that …
Feature Author Denise Barela
I thoroughly enjoy featuring fiction authors on my website, but today’s post is an interview with someone close to my heart—Denise Barela. She is an amazing author, editor, and on-fire Christian woman. She’s also my virtual assistant and daughter of my publisher. So, this is a special blessing for me, and I pray it will be for you, as well. …
Bible Jazz Interview With Mike Moffit
Over the last several weeks, I’ve interviewed with different podcasters, and every one of them was a blessing. Mike Moffitt, the associate pastor at University Place Presbyterian Church near Tacoma, Washington, was one such person. I had the dubious distinction of being his first fiction author. We had an engaging conversation about my writing journey, from where I draw inspiration, …
Review of Sabal Palms and the Southern Squall
About the Book Book: Sabal Palms and the Southern Squall Author: Terry Overton Genre: Christian Contemporary Women’s Fiction Release date: April 5, 2022 Elaine Smith lived in the small coastal town of Sabal Palms long enough to know when to worry about a squall and when to simply close the windows and wait for it to pass. This one would …