I’m heading out to visit family. See you all back here next week. God Bless!
Prayers of the Heart
Last week, a young Christian man told me, “I would give just about anything so my wife wouldn’t have to work.” They have two very young children at home. He’s self-employed, and the only reason she works is to provide them with health insurance. My response was, “Have you prayed about it?” He hesitated a moment before explaining that he’s …
The Art of Story
Tess O’Shay is in her mid-30’s, has red hair, green eyes and a feisty temper. She says what she thinks, which I love about her, and has a deep wound that has held her in a bondage of her own making for ten years. She’s lost her mother to cancer, her father to a heart attack and is the only …
Phase Two: The Framing
We’ve been in the construction process for 3 ½ weeks now, and aside from being without a stove top for two days, there has been very little disruption. I know this is God’s timing, as everything is. I don’t generally do well with chaos, but in the busyness of life over the last several months, I’ve had to let a …
My Favorite Subject
A few weeks ago, my agent, Karen Ball, asked me if I’d write a guest blog post for her agency (The Steve Laube Literary Agency) on my favorite subject—my husband, Chris! She wanted the spouses of writers to understand how vital to our success their support and encouragement is. It was published on their site today, so if you’re interested …
To Everything There is a Season
Upon the advice of a friend, I picked up the book Restless: Because You Were Made for More by Jennie Allen. It was perfect timing, since my ladies’ Bible study is off for summer break. The premise is clear from the title—digging in to discover what our purpose is. Jennie Allen encourages her readers to think about those things God …
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
There are people, even Christians, who believe the Bible isn’t relative for us today. It’s a bunch of ancient writings that don’t pertain to our culture. And it’s true, our culture is far different than that in the Old Testament, but God isn’t. He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Just because we justify some of our behaviors (sex before …
Phase One–Purging
Spring cleaning came late this year. Well, I suppose it’s not too late as it’s still officially spring—for another couple weeks. It’s one of those things that, though exhausting, can be invigorating, as well. Chris and I live in a very small cabin with storage space inside to match. So, you’d think “cleaning house,” so to speak, would be fairly …
Halfway There!
Hallelujah! We’re halfway there. If you’re wondering why I posted a picture of a half-blooming hydrangea, and sound so excited about it, you’ll have to visit a blog I posted on April 18th titled Rebirth. Whether you’re a fan of hydrangeas (as I am) or not, I don’t know how one can look upon these flowers (or any for that matter) and …
Great Expectations
Overwhelm. You would think with all the technology we have available to us, our lives would be simpler. Not so. It just raises the expectation. And I don’t even get on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media sites with any regularity. Nor do I have children at home who expect me to play chauffeur. And my husband? He’s …