
If you at all follow my blog on a regular basis, you might have noticed that I didn’t post on Tuesday, as is my habit. Nor did I make up for it by posting on Wednesday! For the next ten days, things will be a little…irregular. My sweet husband and I left very early yesterday morning (just after 4:00) to …

Stop and See God’s Splendor!

My ladies Bible study group just started last week in the book of Romans. Romans 1:19-20 says They [sinful, wicked people] know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal …

Aliens in This World

I’m always shocked when slapped with the reality that people are inherently evil. Last week, I was driving through the comparatively sleepy town of Pine Grove and a truck shot out of a side street without stopping and raced across two lanes to pull into the gas station, nearly hitting a vehicle coming from the other direction. When the driver …

Mary-dom Doomed

A few years ago, I posted a blog titled Martha or Mary? In it, I wrote about my struggle to be a Mary in a Martha world. And just like a Martha, I had definite steps I could take to reach that coveted Mary status. I know the Spirit’s working to transform me, but that is definitely an area that …

When You Come to a Fork in the Road…Take It

Although my husband has been a chiropractor for over 27 years, and in the same office complex for the past 16, we’re having an Open House this Thursday to launch the new face of Amador Chiropractic. It may seem strange to have such an event when nothing has drastically changed. And yet at the same time, everything’s changed. A first …

Learn and Live

A lot of the godly lessons I learned about marriage came with 20/20 hindsight—where I failed in my first marriage. You can learn a lot in 22 years of doing things wrong. I once attended a church where the pastor’s catch phrase was, “You can either live and learn or learn and live.” His point being that we can live …

How Sweet Are You?

When I was growing up, my mom made liver on a regular basis because she learned it was a good source of iron. So every month or so (thank God it wasn’t more than that!) I choked down the horrid stuff. Then after my siblings and I grew up and moved out, she discovered that it’s also very high in …


After I shared my struggles in Bible study the other day, one of the women, with whom I’ve fellowshipped for a couple of years, commented that she felt such a sense of relief to see me break down. Because she feels lost so much of the time, it made her feel better to know that I don’t have it all …

Making Much of Christ from 8 to 5

My Bible study group is nearing the end of John Piper’s Don’t Waste Your Life. Some of the chapters left me feeling convicted while others left me feeling condemned, which is never God’s intention—that’s the work of the enemy. And while many in our group has struggled through this study, I believe the positives far outweigh the negatives. A couple …

One Pearl at a Time

Five years ago, I had a strong desire to learn to knit. I’d been attending my second year at Mount Hermon’s Writer’s Conference and spent two days in a workshop. The mentor teacher, a young author named Camy Tang, effortlessly lead the class while knitting a pair of thigh-high socks. I was mesmerized by the blending of colors and the …