Amazing Dog Tricks

Entertainment, Dog-Style

We’re closing in on the end of A Canine Christmas Countdown. I intended to write a post about the importance of training our dogs, but that’s a no-brainer. No one wants a dog that behaves badly, and the only way to change that is through consistent training, positive reinforcement, and a close bond with its owner.

A couple of years after Chris and I married, I got fed up and frustrated with his dog Sky. Remember the Golden Retriever I mentioned earlier? He was a good dog, but he needed some serious training. I took Sky to someone in our community our veterinarian called the “dog whisperer,” and she helped get me on the right track with him. Even smart dogs (especially smart dogs) need boundaries—just like kids.

So, rather than bore you with the how-to’s, which you really need to learn first-hand, I thought I’d share a fun video with you instead. This border collie, Justy, is only four years old, but smart as a whip.

Don’t forget to share in the comments below for a chance to win the $25 Amazon Gift Card. Tell us if you’ve ever trained your pet to do something unique, or if there is something you’ve always wanted to teach him or her. If you missed Monday’s, Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, Thursday’s, or Friday’s posts, be sure to visit for more chances to win the Amazon Gift Card.


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