Providence Release: Day Six of A Journey of Hope

Join me today as my husband Chris and I chat about the inspiration for Illusions (Book 2 in the Apple Hill Series), marriage, and what he believes makes ours a success. This is the first time he’s appeared with me in a video, and I hope it won’t be the last! I will also share how you can receive a …

Providence Release: Day Five of A Journey of Hope

“Hunt for the good,” is what one of my former pastors used to say on a regular basis. Sometimes we can get so bogged down by life, we forget that God is everywhere, even if we have to search a little to find Him. Have you ever been through a tragic event only to realize later that there were God …

Providence Release: Day Four of A Journey of Hope

We are halfway through Hope Week, and my prayer is that you have found some truth in this series to hold onto either in a video or blog post. Years ago, when I first delved into the Bible and read James 1:2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds, I couldn’t imagine ever reaching …

Providence Release: Day Three of A Journey of Hope

I’ve discussed in blog posts before how our lives are analogous with a tapestry. We focus on the backside where the ends of the threads are knotted and tangled in an unrecognizable mess. Often, we’re so trapped in our circumstances, we can’t see beyond them. But it’s the front of the tapestry where God’s focus is—the outcome, when all is …

Providence Release: Day Two of A Journey of Hope

Continue with me through a Journey of Hope this week as I celebrate the release of Providence, Book 3 in the Apple Hill Series. Today’s post is a video with a question you might ponder for yourself as reflect on the books you read.

Providence Release: Day One of A Journey of Hope

If you’ve read the Bible, you may be well aware of Psalm 139. And if you believe, as I do, that the Bible is God’s inerrant Word spoken to His children, then you cannot disregard the legitimacy of this precious psalm written by King David. Oh, to take these words at face value and truly trust that the God of …

Introducing Hope Week

Please visit me each day for the next week as I attempt to inspire you with the hope we have in our Lord and Savior.


When you were young, did you have a dream that seemed so big, so outlandish that you thought it couldn’t possibly come true? Take a moment and think about it. Maybe you did but pushed through and are living it now. But then again, if you’re anything like I was, it could be you set it aside to get on …

Stinky, Smoked Fish

If you’re a Jeopardy fan, the answer to the title of this post would be, “What is a red herring?” You may wonder why I’m writing about stinky, smoked fish. A red herring is a term for a literary device that leads readers (or an audience) toward a false conclusion. If you’re a fan of mysteries, I’m sure you’ve seen …


You only have to read through the book of Jeremiah to see that our culture is sprinting toward the path of the Israelites. The chosen people turned their backs on God, and each generation fell further into depravity than the one before. Sexual immorality, debauchery, human sacrifice, and idol worship to name a few. Our only saving grace is Jesus, …