I have a confession: I read as many secular novels as I do Christian fiction. Gasp! They need to be clean, free of smut and sex, and encouraging—but I want the storyline to be real, too. Some would prefer getting lost in a pretend, stress-free world, and I completely understand. Reading is an escape for them. The characters are near-to-perfect, …
Review of the Movie The Forge
When I was growing up, going to the movies on Saturdays was the thing to do. If I went to a double feature, I could spend an entire afternoon in front of the big screen, transported to another time and place. I remember seeing The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (the 1972 animated version—not the one with Johnny Depp) and being …
A Tribute for Labor Day
When I was searching for something to post for Labor Day, I came across a wonderful video that was perfect. Sadly, it was marked “personal use only” by Steelhead media. So, what’s a girl to do? They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so using the video as a template, I made my own. I hope and pray …
Between the Lines with Leslie Tally and Laura Thomas
This has been another exciting month for my podcast, Between the Lines of Christian Fiction. I met a delightful author, Leslie Tally, who shared her debut novel with me. What a delightful woman with all the stereotypical Southern charm one would expect when meeting someone from Mississippi. She has an incredible story you won’t want to miss. I was also …
We May Have Been Born for Such a Time as This
“And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 For over a year, I’ve been following Jessica Tapia, a P.E. teacher from Temecula, California, who was fired when her Christian convictions didn’t line up with the Woke culture. I could not help but wonder how, as a former (California) …
Submission is Not a Dirty Word
But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God—1 Corinthians 11:3 Nearly thirty years ago, my brother married for the second time and asked me before the rehearsal if I would read some Bible scripture at his wedding. He had …
Habits for A More Successful Life
Years ago, I bought the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey for my son Christopher. You may know Sean’s father, Stephen Covey, who wrote several leadership and self-help books. I didn’t know anything about the author—I was just desperate to motivate my son to do better in school, thereby doing better in life. I had forgotten …
Between the Lines with E.V. and Christine
This month, I had the pleasure of interviewing two previous guests of Between the Lines. It reminds me how quickly the days fly by when I realize I’m nearing the end of the second season with this podcast. I love it when authors come back to share another release with y’all. E.V. Sparrow (aka Erin) made her first appearance here …
The Lies You Wrote by Brianna Labuskes
I have a confession to make: I read books other than Christian fiction. I don’t know if that makes me a bad Christian, but it does make me a better writer. Just so you know, I don’t read anything with smut or sex, so you’ll never see me with the likes of Fifty Shades of Gray. Every month, Amazon sends …
Facebook Is Not Your Friend
A friend loves at all times—Proverbs 17:17a This may shock you, but I’m going to put it out there anyway: Facebook is not your friend. In fact, most of the friends you have on Facebook are not your friends. I’m not discounting family members and actual besties. But you don’t need Facebook to connect with them. Or do you? A …