Law or Grace by Jennifer Sienes

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words

Every now and then, a commercial created to sell a product goes far beyond its intention. I wanted to share this one with my readers. Even if you’ve seen it before, it’s well worth a second look.

Chicken Soup for the Soul - Recovering

Dangling Carrots

I’m not one of those writers who feels comfortable promoting herself—of course, I haven’t had much to promote, so maybe that’s the reason. Due to the nature of what I do, I know a lot of writers, and although I don’t like to generalize, the majority of them are introverts. As a rule, we (introverts) aren’t comfortable being in the …

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I have a love/hate relationship with gardening—love the flowers, hate the weeds. I’ve made it my personal goal to eliminate those nasty invaders from our yard, not an easy task when living in the country. Weed eating has become one of my hobbies. I even asked Chris for a new weed eater as an anniversary gift a few years ago. …

On the Lighter Side

If you subscribe to my blog post, you may have gotten a couple of notifications this morning that something new has published. Well, I’m afraid I misled you. There is nothing more amazing than technology—until it doesn’t work! It may be time for me to bite the bullet, so to speak, and actually take some classes to learn more about …

Be My Guest

Today I am a guest blogger at ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). If you wish to read my post, Reflections of Tone, click here to link to it.

A Heart to Listen

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in life and miss out on the simple pleasures. Like going on autopilot at times when I drive a familiar route, the days pass by in a blur and I’ve missed out on the gifts with which God surrounds me. I do that for too long, and my spirit sinks into apathy—or worse, …


Several years ago, I planted a small hydrangea by my front steps. I figured it was the perfect location—or as perfect as it can be in my yard—because the spot receives morning sun, afternoon shade and there is plenty of room for growth. It took a couple of seasons before I saw the first sign of flowers, and I was …

God’s Not Dead!

Our first week home from vacation, we hit the ground running. It seems like there’s always a re-entry period after being gone for more than a week—routines to re-establish, laundry to catch up on, and this time of year, taxes to deal with. And don’t forget work. No more lazing around on the beach or unplanned days. Oh, but what …

A Dripping Faucet

Have you ever been in the company of a complainer? You know the type, someone who constantly focuses on the negative. I’m afraid, there are days I’m one—especially when stuck behind a slow driver (and we get a lot of them on our one-lane roads.) But God is so gracious—He gives us a glimpse of what we might be like …

Changes in Latitudes

Tonight, we’ll be sleeping in our own bed, and, as usual, God’s timing is perfect. Knowing yesterday would be our last “tourist” day, we had a plan—have breakfast at Baja Peppers in the Mar de Cortez hotel (touted as the best, cheap breakfast in town) and then walk out to the ocean and see if we could get to Lover’s …