What’s Your Final Destination?

I always thought I’d go to heaven when I die. Maybe it was because I was raised going to church every Sunday, and even if I didn’t really understand how it was Jesus died for my sins, at least I knew who He was. I didn’t go around breaking the Ten Commandments and I tried to be a good person. …

A Blast From the Past

Almost 28 years ago, I stood in front of the St. George Hotel in Volcano, California. Not exactly a day to go down in the history books, but I’m often amazed at the memory of it. It was a hot June day and I was on my way to a family reunion which took place just outside the town limits. …

Get Moving!

Tis the season! I figure the best time to remind my readers about the benefits of daily exercise is right before we start packing on the holiday pounds. Okay, that may be a little exaggerated. The average American only gains 1-2 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Doesn’t sound like much, does it? However, it’s not all about the weight …

What We’re Forgetting

I generally listen to K-LOVE radio in my car. I find the Christian music inspiring. But every now and then, I’ll switch over to the classic rock station (93.1 in the Sacramento area) for a walk down memory lane. I did just that the morning of November 1st and received an unpleasant shock. Christmas music. A sneak peek into the …

It’s Not a Dirty Word

Submission. A dirty word in some women’s vocabulary. It brings to mind kowtowing or subservience. Maybe you think about other cultures where women are required to keep their faces covered or walk ten paces behind their husbands. How can we be expected to exhibit a gentle and quiet spirit in our culture today? Dare I say I disagree? Eighteen years …

It’s Not My Fault!

Chris and I work out most mornings while watching different television series we get via Netflix. Right now, we’re into season eight of Bones. This morning’s episode, while rather humorous at times, was a classic example of an epidemic issue in our culture today. A woman was arrested for contracting a hit on her husband, only he killed the wrong …

Welcome to My World

I’ll be the first to admit, I think too much. It must drive my poor husband crazy to be on the receiving end of the monologue of emotions I work through on a regular basis. But of course, he’s too sweet to admit it—or maybe he realizes that my mind is a scary place sometimes and it’s just best to …

What’s Your Type?

It’s that time again! In the mapping out of a new novel, I always dwell in the land of psychology. Actually, I get stuck there for a while because relearning the nuances of different personality types is a little addicting. Although I’ve done this before a multitude of times, something new is always revealed. It may be in my own …

Not Ours to Name

Whenever the subject of prayer comes up among my Christian friends, there is some debate over how and why we should pray. But what it comes down to in the end is that if we pray God’s will, those prayers will be answered. Some might question the point in praying then. I mean, if God’s will is to accomplish something …

Hunting He Will Go

It’s that time of year again—my husband’s bi-annual hunting trip. Seven years into this routine, and I can say that I enjoy this trip almost as much as he does, and I don’t even go with him. I love my husband. Truly love him. I love our time together, our friendship and our marriage. He makes me laugh, makes me …