Plant, Water, Wait by Jennifer Sienes

Plant, Water, Wait

When Chris and I prepare to plant our summer garden, we go down to the local nursery and pick up the basics: Tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, eggplant and basil. Often, we try something a little different—this year is was spaghetti squash and green beans by seed. We’re never quite sure how things will turn out. We can control only so …

What I Know by Jennifer Sienes

What I know

I was a guest blogger on ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writer’s) website last Friday. I thought I would share the same article with my blog readers here on my website. Hope you enjoy. I lack imagination. A bold confession for a writer, wouldn’t you say? It’s true. That’s why I don’t do fantasy—don’t write it, read it, or watch it. …

Awesome God! by Jennifer Sienes

Awesome God!

Strange how it sometimes takes a new perspective to see God’s creation and power. And it’s not that I live in a big city where plant and animal life is sparse. Maybe I take it all for granted because I see it every day. I have to make a concentrated effort at times to stop and smell the roses—literally! But …

Still On Vacation!

But then God bestowed a sweet blessing upon us. An unexpected pit stop (after three days in Savannah and a quick stop in Charleston) in a quaint town called St. Augustine, Florida. After our quick retreat from Panama City (and we’ll never go back) we weren’t expecting our halfway-to-St. Petersburg destination to be so great.Since my last post, we’ve experienced: …

On Vacation by Jennifer Sienes

On Vacation

  As you can see from the photo, I’m a little off balance lately! On vacation, and so far we’ve experienced: Great hospitality from friend Joanne Kraft & family A day and a half with my sweet daughter, Nicole Franklin Museum & Home Tour Ryman Auditorium Tour Country Music Hall of Fame Tour Laura Plantation Oak Alley Walking the French …

The Best Laid Plans

There are two types of writers: Planners and SOTP (Seat Of The Pants-ers). A planner does exactly that—plans. An SOTP may generally have an idea of where she wants the story to go, maybe knows her main character well or the setting, but allows creative license to “write” the story for her. I’m sure there are varying degrees of the …

Just For Fun

Rather than writing a blog post for today, I thought I’d share this video, It’s Not About the Nail, posted by the Steve Laube Literary Agency blog this morning. It’s self-explanatory!

Caught in the Act

I’m a creature of habit. I like order and structure. Partly, I’m sure, because I’m such a performance-based personality type. How much can I get done in the time I have? That being said, I have the same routine each morning as I prepare to spend some quiet time with the Lord. Prayer, devotion, Bible reading. Just so you know, …

If God is Good Then Why?

One would be hard pressed to deny the existence of evil in our world. We hear about it every day on the news, see it in Internet headlines and some live with it daily. I will admit that while I live my little life, I’ve been insulated from this evil having much of an impact on me. So after the …

Older and (Hopefully) Wiser

I’ve heard it said that if you want to get something done, give it to a busy person. I suppose the belief is that those who are busy are organized enough to take on the tough tasks. I used to be one of those people. Years ago, when I went back to school full-time at the age of 34, I …