Crack the Stone by Emily Golus

It’s not often that I feature an author unless she/he is part of a Celebrate Lit Blog Tour. This author is, but I don’t happen to be part of that tour. I met her at the first annual Rise-Up Con with my daughter Nikki a few months ago. Emily was one of many authors who were signing their books. Nikki was so fascinated with her work that I overcame my introverted tendencies and invited her to be on my podcast, Between the Lines. She accepted, and it was published last Thursday. You can hear it on my website under the Podcast Tab or on any popular podcast platform (Apple, Spotify, etc.)

Since Emily was scheduled with Celebrate Lit for a blog tour the same week as the podcast, I thought I’d support her and Celebrate Lit by highlighting her on my personal blog as well. Read below to learn about this amazing author, Crack the Stone, and how you can follow the tour and enter for the Grand Prize.

Emily Golus is an award-winning author of YA Fantasy who has been dreaming up fantasy worlds since before she could write her name. A New England transplant living in the Deep South, she’s fascinated by how culture shapes the way individuals see the world.

Golus aims to create stories that engage, inspire, and reassure readers that the small choices of everyday life matter. She shares on her website:

“The world of young adult fantasy has become a kind of Wild West, where some publishers are pushing explicit content to entertain adults—ignoring the teens the books are supposed to be designed for. While my books don’t shy away from dealing with real-world problems (there’s plenty of peril, some grief and heartbreak, and occasional physical fighting), my promise to you is that there will be no graphic violence, no foul language, and no sexual content.Also, I don’t routinely kill off characters just for shock effect. Feel free to get attached. You’re welcome.”

Her first book Escape to Vindor is a 2018 Selah Award Winner. It’s followed by her second book Mists of Paracosmia.

Her newest release Crack the Stone is a retelling of the classic Les Misérables and is on blog tour with Celebrate Lit September 21st through October 4th.

Be sure to follow the tour and enter for a chance to win the grand prize of a paperback copy of Crack the Stone, an obsidian arrowhead pendant, two Vindor stickers, a Vindor mini-map, a Vindor bookmark, and a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

The link to enter for the prize will not be live until September 21st.

Connect with Emily at her website

Here is the Back Cover Copy of Crack the Stone:

I am Valshara, the black stone born of fire. Break me, and my edges turn into knives.

Condemned to a slave camp for her crimes, goblin convict Valshara Sh’a makes a death-defying escape to freedom. But navigating Vindor’s treacherous cavern system is only the beginning of her troubles. An encounter with a rogue king turns her world upside down, and a bargain with fairy tricksters leaves her with a human child she doesn’t know how to care for.

As she tries to smuggle the boy through the walls of a barricaded city, Valshara can’t let down her guard. Because somewhere in the darkness behind her, a bounty hunter rises—relentless as nightfall and merciless as death itself.

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