It’s a Wonderful Life (the Rest of the Story)

A Behind the Scenes Look at the movie It’s a Wonderful Life

If you were to survey a multitude of people about their favorite Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life would no doubt be at the top of most everyone’s list (mine included.) I was looking for a heartwarming Christmas video to share with you today, and I ran across this one. When I was young, I remember listening to Paul Harvey on the radio and his famous routine “And that’s the rest of the story.” Maybe you’re too young to know about Mr. Harvey, but you’ve surely heard of (or watched) It’s a Wonderful life.

When I came upon this YouTube video with him talking about this well-loved Christmas movie, I knew it was perfect. Not only does it share some interesting background, but it also includes rejection (with which most of us writers have lots of experience), copy right laws, and how happenstance (which I believe is God at work) made this movie such a huge success. Take a listen.

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